Steve Jobs and the NeXT team! (Videos)

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here are videos documenting the creation of NeXT, which was not truly discussed in Steve's biography!

As pointed out by commenter Sho_hn on Hacker News, the woman who stands up to Jobs (11:00 minute mark) about the due date being part of his ‘reality distortion field’ is Joanna Hoffman, of the original Macintosh team.
She had a reputation for being the one to lock horns with Jobs and was even given an award internally by the team two years running for doing so. This anecdote can be found in the bio of Jobs by Walter Isaacson. You can read more about Joanna on Andy Hertzfeld’s fantastic here.

Steve Jobs and the goals of NeXT

NeXTstep software


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