Get the Internet Radio App!

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2011

The SiriusXM App has been updated to let you listen to Radio Channels, to whatever you want at the time you want.

With a limit of 5hours rewinding to let you hear your program from the beginning, as well as pausing, fast forwarding and rewinding!

• Start Now allows you to start shows from their beginning even if you've just tuned to that channel.
• TuneStart automatically starts the currently playing song from its beginning when you tune to a music channel so that you can enjoy the complete song.
• Pause lets you pause live radio and pick up right where you left off.
• Fast Forward and Rewind lets you navigate through previously aired programming.
• Show Finder lets you find and set alerts for your favorite SiriusXM shows.

Get the SiriusXM App for free, from here!

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