Greatest Apps which you can NOT get anymore!

Posted on Friday, December 02, 2011

There are some Apps which get in App Store then get removed after Apple figures out the App is violating one of its terms!

Here are the ten best Apps which you can not get!


iTether was letting the iPhone work as a portable modem giving net to any laptop via a USB cable. It did cost $15 which is less than what AT&T and Verizon offer per month!
Violation: Carriers forbid unauthorized tethering in their terms of service, so iTether was never going to last.
Jailbreak Alternative: MiWi or PDANet


It is a full DOS emulator for iDevices which did cost $1. Users were loading Windows 3.1 and scads of classic computer games on their iDevices, using the file transfer utility in iTunes.
Violation: Apps that run unsigned code, such as the entire Windows operating system, are a big no-no in the App Store. A second version of iDOS used a hidden hack to sideload old DOS programs, but was also booted by Apple.
Jailbreak Alternative: DOSPad.


It was a Nintendo emulator in the App Store costing $7 and let users load classic NES ROMs through the iTunes file sharing utility.
Violation: Apple said Nescaline was removed for being “an emulator,” according to developer Jonathan Zdziarski, but other emulators such as C64 have been allowed. Potential copyright violations were probably to blame.
Jailbreak Alternative: NES.

Print to PDF

This app used to let users print web pages, photos and e-mails as PDF documents. As long as the app was running in the background,
Violation: Apple told the developers that they were not allowed to use AirPrint to print documents as PDF files.
Jailbreak Alternative: TruPrint.


It manages BitTorrent downloads remotely, which included the ability to add new files, pause existing downloads and adjust server settings.
Violation: Although iControlbits advertises the management of “legal downloads,” BitTorrent’s association with piracy likely sealed its fate in the App Store.
Jailbreak Alternative: iControlBits (BigBoss repo).

Any Music Downloader

It let users download and play MP3 files from around the Web. Users could then connect an iPhone to a PC to transfer the downloaded files. The app launched in May 2011, and quickly rose to the top of the App Store charts.
Violation: This was quite obviously meant to infringe copyrights–and take away business from iTunes.
Jailbreak Alternative: MusicMeow (Big Boss Repo)


aMusic was a native app for accessing Amazon’s Cloud Player service. Although Apple’s own iTunes Match can also store music on the Internet, Amazon’s service offers 5 GB of free storage, and can stream songs instead of downloading them.
Violation: Amazon asked Apple to pull the app, according to Mashable. The developer, James Clancey, had cited “legal issues with the music industry.”
Jailbreak Alternative:  gMusic can access Google’s similar service (without jailbreaking)

VLC Media Player

VLC was a free media player that supported file types that the iPhone’s media player doesn’t, including AVI, MPG and MKV. VLC was based off the open-source desktop software of the same name.
Violation: Apple isn’t directly responsible for this app’s removal. But because the App Store uses digital rights management, that put VLC in violation of its open source licensing agreement. A developer on the desktop project, RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont, asked Apple to remove the app, and Apple yanked it last January.
Jailbreak Alternative: The app is still available through Cydia.

Phone Story

The $1 app highlighted the mining of conflict minerals, brutal factory conditions and planned obsolescence that keeps consumers coming back for more. Deep, man.
Violation: Conspiracy theorists might think Apple just didn’t want to be criticized, but Apple gave a litany of other violated guidelines. Among them: the app depicts abuse of children and “excessively objectionable” content. Apple also accused the developer of violating its policies on donations.
Jailbreak Alternative: None, but the app is available for Android.


Violation: Perhaps Apple wanted Siri to be an iPhone 4S exclusive in order to upsell customers, but my guess is Apple didn’t want customers to be confused by an old, outdated Siri experience.
Jailbreak Alternative: Hackers have successfully run Siri on older iPhones, but haven’t released their secrets to the public.

This post was originally posted here!

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