A man suing Apple for searching his house!

Posted on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We all remember the lost iPhone 5 prototype which we figured out later it was of the iPhone 4S!

Apple's security did search a house in San Francisco looking for the lost prototype. And now Sergio Calderon, the house owner, is preparing a lawsuit and his attorney is David Monroe.

David Monroe, the attorney representing Sergio Calderon

Apple internal security told police that the device was priceless and the company was desperate to secure its safe return, then led police to a house in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco.

One of the six people who visited the house looking for Calderon said they would obtain a search warrant if he didn't agree to let them in, according to two sources with knowledge of the event. Calderon then voluntarily submitted to what he claims he believed was a search by police officers, but which in reality included Apple employees.

Read more here!

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